Immeasurably More Capital Campaign

To Him be glory in the church... throughout all generations

Ephesians 3:20-21

God is so good. Three years ago our church of 30 people sat together and prayed through the words of Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.”
We sat in that group and began a year long commitment to prayer - asking God to do something we had tried for decades to do and that was to fill our auditorium with people (124 chairs). People who were coming to Jesus and being discipled through the church.
God is the God of IMMEASURABLY MORE! He has done so much more than we ever imagined. Three years later, we now have a 150 people regularly attending our church services being discipled and growing in their walk with Jesus. And we say “All praise to the God of IMMEASURABLY MORE!”
Our church has grown by 270% in these past three years, and we believe that God is not done changing lives and growing our church in Clear Lake, Iowa. Because of this growth, we now have the most wonderful problem a church could ever have - we no longer fit in our current facility! Praise the Lord!
As we look at our church’s mission of Making and Equipping Disciples of Jesus, we fully believe that God has more in store for our church family, and that He is asking us to step out in faith, trusting Him to do IMMEASURABLY MORE once again in providing us a different facility that would allow us to continue making and equipping more disciples in North Iowa and around the world.
We want to invite you to be part of what God is doing through this small church in north Iowa, and ask you to join with us in praying that God will do IMMEASURABLY MORE than we could ever ask or imagine for His own glory! - Pastor Jason

Support the Campaign

As God leads you to give.

We are seeking financial pledges from our church family; if the Spirit is leading you to contribute to this ministry we say "Praise God" for each and every gift.
More than anything, we would appreciate your prayers as we follow God and pursue His direction for our location and building needs.